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Our Services

Accident Reports

Yellow Dog specializes in the retrieval of accident reports all over the continental U.S. and Canada. Through our years of experience with the various agencies, and network affiliates, we are able to provide this service with speed and efficiency.

Offense Reports

We are able to provide a wide variety of offense reports including but not limited to theft, vandalism, burglary, and destruction of property.

Fire Reports

Using the same methods outlined in our accident reports, we are able to obtain Fire reports in a timely fashion all across the U.S. and Canada.

Background Checks

Hiring a new employee? Yellow Dog provides same day criminal background checks. You will never have a job candidate wait on processing again!


Yellow Dog Reports provides a full range of report transcriptions regardless of the format.

Locate Plus

We offer a full range of locating services, from people to property and everything in between.

For Report Retrieval click here

Accident Reports

Yellow Dog specializes in the retrieval of accident reports all over the continental U.S. and Canada.

Fire Reports

We are able to obtain Fire reports in a timely fashion all across the U.S.

Theft Reports

We are able to provide a wide variety of offense reports including theft, vandalism, burglary, and destruction of property.

About Yellowdog

Yellow Dog Reports strives to provide an ever expanding client base with the fastest, most efficient service that the document retrieval industry has to offer, with a focus on Customer Satisfaction.

We know your time is valuable, so we strive to keep you doing what you do best and we will take care of the rest.

Contact Information

Yellowdog Reports
P.O. Box 985
Rockwall, Texas 75087

Fax: 1-866-594-7902
Toll Free: 1-855-635-6692
Local Phone: 972-635-6697
Local Phone: 972-635-6692
E-mail: info@yellowdogreports.com

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